

The cooler weather is here and the weather is spectacular for outdoor cooking! Now, is the time to maximize your grill and savor the flavor. |

Your Barbecue Super Store |
So, you may be thinking about becoming a barbecue judge ... or perhaps you just want to know what it is that the judges are looking for (and tasting) when judging great barbecue. Who are the table captains? And what do they do? Who officiates the contests? Overcooked? Under cooked? Too Salty? Too flat tasting? Mushy? Tough? and many more.
Check out the 2013 Judging Classes and find one near you! |
Featured BBQ'n
Video |
Ask Smoky!
All rightee, here's your chance . . . . . .
Get all of your outdoor cooking questions answered from the professional! We are new and improved . . . Easy access to the insights of the Great Smoky Hale!
As an ever growing site related to the fine art of outdoor cooking, Barbecue'n now turns its attention to offering YOU, our visitors, unparalleled access to the experts. Here you have the opportunity to address your specific questions to 'Smoky' a/k/a/ c. Clark Hale, a seasoned outdoor cooking professional (he will beg to differ). He is author of The Great American Barbeque Instruction Book, The Great American Instructional Barbeque Video, newspaper columns, cooking shows and seminars. He has spent a good part of the last 20 years trying to provide accurate information to folks who don't have an old 'baster' to learn from.
Before asking Smoky, check out our Frequently Answered Questions (FAQ's) and see if your answer is waiting for you there. . . . . if not, then ASK ! ! ! !
Don't be shy - We look forward to hearing from you concerning real questions that you need answers to! No question too large or too small - we answer them all!
Smoky also has a Monthly Column dealing with in depth subjects.
If you did not find the answer to your question, feel free to submit your question to SMOKY and quiz him down!
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Since February, 1996
