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The cooler weather is here and the weather is spectacular for outdoor cooking! Now, is the time to maximize your grill and savor the flavor.

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  Judging Classes

So, you may be thinking about becoming a barbecue judge ... or perhaps you just want to know what it is that the judges are looking for (and tasting) when judging great barbecue. Who are the table captains? And what do they do? Who officiates the contests? Overcooked? Under cooked? Too Salty? Too flat tasting? Mushy? Tough? and many more.

Check out the 2013 Judging Classes and find one near you!

Featured BBQ'n

About Us and Our Sites

Barbecue'n On The Internet was the brain-child of Charlie McMurrey waaaay back in 1995 and has now morphed over the years into the largest compendium of outdoor cooking knowledge to be found anywhere.  It is our mission to teach, instruct and help all of our readers to make the most of their outdoor cooking experience whether they are beginners or accomplished chefs and contestants. 

Charlie has always resided in Houston, Texas, where he was born.  In addition to managing the many outdoor cooking web sites he is a Kansas City Certified Judge and attends several contests around the nation each year.  When possible, he joins both Smoky and Nick Spinelli, Corporate Chef of Kraft Foods, for some fun and excitement judging at various contests.

Charlie McMurrey
Charlie McMurrey

When he began Barbecue'n On The Internet, he did a search on Yahoo! on the term "barbecue" and there were a total of 54 "hits" or listings.  Several years ago, the same search resulted in well over 54 million hits.  That is awesome growth!

We have now grown and "evolved" into the premier outdoor cooking site as we had planned. We encourage you to return often as we are constantly adding and updating our information. In addition to Barbecue'n On The Internet, and by popular request, we gave our readers a place to purchase some of the great products we discuss in this site.  If you find something that interests you, be sure to stop by The Barbecue Store and check it out.

Smoky Hale
Smoky Hale

Now associated with Barbecue'n On The Internet is one of the premier outdoor cooks on the planet, C. Clark Hale. He was one of the original inductees to the now defunct "BBQ Hall of Fame". Smoky gets a little cantankerous at times, sort of like a race horse in the stall desiring to run a little.  He's a perfectionist in his methods and devices.  You can read his various missives on our site and can purchase his most recent book Great American Barbecue & Grilling Manual to become even more enlightened.  It is a great read.  He, like myself, is more interested in teaching HOW TO COOK rather than simply supplying you recipes, which we do anyway!  Smoky resides in McComb, Mississippi way back in the woods. He is a naturalist of sorts enjoying working in the garden and cooking outdoors.  He is a great friend and valued help in ensuring the integrity of the site in its goal of providing solid outdoor cooking information.


Ann Wilder
Ann Wilder

Another great contributor to Barbecue'n On The Internet is our friend Ann Wilder, owner of Vann's Spices. Ann has won three gold medals from the Chef's in America Foundation. Additionally, spices which she furnished, were used exclusively by the Canadian team - They won every gold medal in the most prestigious Culinary Olympics in Frankfort Germany in 1992!

She is regularly invited to speak at chef's seminars and conventions. Her most recent one was before 150 chef's from all over. She has now graciously agreed to furnish us with some of her in sites into smells and flavors of spices from all over the world.

As mentioned earlier, we prepared The Barbecue Store for your convenience.  Be sure you come by for a visit, we're sure you'll find exactly what you are looking for!

We have enjoyed working on this site and hope it has helped you to become a much better outdoor cook.

Almost everyone has a passion around preparing great food outdoors and barbecuing and grilling are the primary methods of accomplishing this.  In 1995, I decided to invent the Internet, no wait, Al Gore did that.  OK, then I decided to create the most complete on-line resources for outdoor cooking. 

Happy cookin'

Charlie McMurrey

The Barbecue Store

Bulk Wood Chips
Here's a great money saving idea.  Wood chips and chunks never go bad. So why not order them in money saving bulk boxes?  Simply keep them in a dry area and use as needed!

Click & Order Your Bulk Chips & Chunks TODAY 

Bad Weather? Too hot or cold? Know what your bbq pit is doing with these Wireless Thermometers
Bad Weather?  Too hot or cold? Know what your bbq pit is doing with these Wireless Thermometers

There's not a better BBQ glove. Stylish Suade, lined and double protected from the elements.

There's not a better BBQ glove. Stylish Suade, lined and double protected from the elements.
FlameX Leather Gloves

Get all of Smoky Hale's wisdom and become the best cook around. Learn to do it right!

Get all of Smoky Hale's wisdom and become the best cook around. Learn to do it right!

When cold, romance or just having to burn something, our designer firepits will do it all. Get free shipping on SoJoe FirePits today
When cold, romance or just having to burn something, our designer firepits will do it all.  Get free shipping on SoJoe FirePits today

Visit The Barbecue Store Today!Visit The Barbecue Store Today!
Visit The Barbecue Store Today!

FREE WINE @ The Barbecue Store


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