NOTE: Pulled pork sandwiches are usually made from pork shoulders cooked over charcoal or wood. For more information on cooking the pork shoulder, click into "According to Smoky" and check out the article, "Shoulders and Butts".
Directions: Prepare your pork butt as for barbecuing and put it in the oven on a rack, over a pan, and cook it at around 210-215 degrees until it reaches 185 degrees internally, 10-12 hours.
Remove the pork, pull out the bones - they should come out easily - and pull or chop the pork into whatever sizes you prefer. The classic pull pork sandwich is served on a large bun on a bed of Cole slaw. Sprinkle with a sauce of:
1 C. vinegar
1 C. water
1 T. salt
1/2 t red pepper (or to taste)
1/4 t. black pepper
Have fun,