

The cooler weather is here and the weather is spectacular for outdoor cooking! Now, is the time to maximize your grill and savor the flavor. |

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So, you may be thinking about becoming a barbecue judge ... or perhaps you just want to know what it is that the judges are looking for (and tasting) when judging great barbecue. Who are the table captains? And what do they do? Who officiates the contests? Overcooked? Under cooked? Too Salty? Too flat tasting? Mushy? Tough? and many more.
Check out the 2013 Judging Classes and find one near you! |
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Fried Turkey
We're not exacty sure where and when the first turkey hit the peanut oil, but ever since then, it has become the rage. The Cajuns have been credited with the process ... and ... since they'll try just about anything such as sucking heads, then this may very well be fact. At anyrate, here is a receipe to use when frying your first or next whole turkey.
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Directions: First rinse and dry the turkey. Don't cut it up as it goes in whole. Make the following mixture and sprinkle the turkey:
1/2 cup salt
1/4 cup garlic powder
1/4 cup onioon powder
1/8 cup thyme, paprikaa and ground bay
- combined equally
1/8th cup oregano and black pepper
- combined equally
Have fun,
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