Wild game has very little fat. That which it has, tends to taste strong, therefore should be removed. The secret to making wildfowl tender and tasty is in supplying oil and not over cooking.
Start with a marinade of 1 bottle of Zesty Italian Dressing. Put the marinade and the bird in a plastic bag, remove all the air and store in the 'fridge for a few hours.
If that is pretty close to what you like, next time use:
1/2 cup of your favorite oil
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup wine or apple cider vinegar
Use stainless or ceramic pot only.
Bring to a simmer and add:
1 T. Worcestershire
1 t. each garlic & onion powder
2 bay leaves
1/2 thyme
3 juniper berries - crushed
1 T. each salt and pepper Add to pot and turn off the heat. Cool before using.
Don't over soak and don't over cook.