Photo Album of Unique
and Classy BBQ Pits
Over the many years we've seen literally thousands of barbecue pits of all shapes and sizes. We thought it would be fun to assemble photos of some of the more unique pits into a photo album for your enjoyment. Note: viewer requires Macromedia Flash
Additionally, we would like to offer our readers the opportunity to place their barbecue pits into the photo album as well. If you have a truly unique barbecue pit that you are proud of and would like to include it in our Photo Album of Unique and Classy BBQ Pits send us a picture.
You may send your images to
IMPORTANT - Photo Submission Requirements:
- Only one photo per pit per email - Make it the best one
- Each image can be full size - We will make it fit the album
- Each image can be no larger than 100k - This is important!
- We will screen each photo before posting to the Photo Album
- We have the final word on what gets posted
- We will post them as time allows - Be patient - We will hurry
Many of you will ask, where can I get a pit just like that one? Frankly we have no clue. We are simply posting the images to the site for your enjoyment. Unfortunately, the photo album will not allow for printing the image. You might try some image capturing software such as !Quick Screen Capture.
We already have some great images posted there for your review. So take a look and we hope you really enjoy this new section to Barbecue'n On The Internet's web site. Click Here or the image below.

As Smoky says, Have Fun!