Blowin' Smoke & Barbecue Chat
Welcome to BS (Blowin' Smoke) & Barbecue chat room. This forum is offered in order that you can get all of your aggressions and lies out of your system in order that reasonable decorum may prevail and you may go back to barbecuen'.
Let's help keep it clean and orderly. I would hate having to sweep up after you folks!
In order to use our BS & Barbecue Chat Room, you must have a Java Enabled Browser. You may down load these browsers at Netscape's Home Page or at Microsoft's Home Page.
The chat room is open at all hours, HOWEVER, the preferred times, so that everyone can get together, are as follows:
Thursday |
9:00PM EST
8:00PM CST
7:00PM MST
6:00PM PST |
Friday | 9:00PM EST
8:00PM CST
7:00PM MST
6:00PM PST |
Saturday | 9:00PM EST
8:00PM CST
7:00PM MST
6:00PM PST |
This forum will provide a meeting place where everyone can come to meet, eat, greet and discuss various topics related to barbecuing, grilling and outdoor cooking in general.
One caveat, . . . . . there is a limit of 25 who may participate at any one time. THEREFORE, if you find you cannot get in, . . . . please be patient. Someone will tire or get angry at someone else and will leave.
If you have some difficulty in loading, talking or in general, we suggest consulting the FAQ's
We hope you enjoy our new feature and if you have any suggestions or problems, please feel free to contact me at