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The Recipe Hotline

The Recipe Hotline


Welcome to the "Recipe Hotline"for Fish

Lake Stevens Salmon Start with a salmon fillet. Fresh is best, Copper River is excellent. Dust with Johnny's Seasoning Salt (yeah, I know it sounds like a sin but it'll work out), powdered garlic, powdered onion. Shouldn't be too thick - this will require some experimentation to get to proper taste. Mix brown sugar, liquid smoke, and lemon juice in a bowl. I use about 3 tbs of brown sugar, 1 tsp of smoke, enough lemon juice to make a thick paste. Don't overdo the lemon juice - the result should be a thick glaze, not a liquid. Pop the salmon into the BBQ. I prefer a woodburner but a gas version with a smokebox works well too. It's generally a lot more convenient if the salmon is on a cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil. Keep the BBQ lid CLOSED. You want to keep that smoke. As the salmon gets to the last 10 minutes of cooking (it'll start to get a little flaky), use a pastry brush to apply the glaze. Most of the glaze will melt and run - that's normal. Use the pastry brush to pick it up and put it back on the fish. Keep glazing until the fish is done. What you should have is a very reddish/brown glaze over the surface. Test with a bite or two. If necessary - and it rarely is - add a little more Johnny's, garlic, or onion to taste. Total time: about 40 minutes for a 4 pound fish. This has been a big hit with summer visitors - slightly sweet, slightly smoky, still very much salmon.

Howdy! This is a great one for throwing Mahi-Mahi fillets on the grill. (Works great for tuna, salmon & shark, too.) Mix 1 part teriyaki sauce, 1 part soy sauce, 1 part of your favorite BBQ sauce and just a splash of liquid smoke. Mix it up well. Let the fish soak it up. A few hours will do fine. Heat the grill so it's nice & hot. Quickly sear the fish on each side. Brush on the reaminder of the sauce as it cooks. Don't be bashful. Mahi-Mahi is great. No muddy / murky taste and big thick leafy chunks of boneless meat. From me, Bo.

A great way to BBQ Shrimp. Use 26-30 count shrimp. Peal and devain the shrimp. Wrap with thin sliced bacon. Place shrimp on a metal skewer and place on grill (use High Heat 450-500 degrees)cook for approx 8 min then turn and baste with your favorite BBQ saucecook another 5-8 min till bacon is done remove from grill and ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!! PS. Heat and serve BBQ sauce for dipping

Spicy Grilled Shrimp ~ Tried this the other night and it was great. Peel jumbo shrimp and thread on wooden skewers. Baste with Tiger Sauce and then sprinkle with McCormick's Jamaican Jerk Seasoning. Grill until done and baste again before you turn. Enjoy!!

Here's the easiest grilled shrimp recipe. If you're going to grill shrimp, get the big boys. Colossals or super colossals. Mince about 5-6 cloves of garlic, add 1/4 cup soy sauce, and 1-2 cans of beer. Add shrimp, mix well, cover and let sit overnight. Grill 4-5 minutes on each side. The best!

SEA SCALLOPS: 1 lb. scallops...bigguns cover in extra virgin olive oil rub with favorite cajun spice; Tony Chachories,old bay either one. Grill at high temp. eat'em up. quick, easy, and gooooood

From Victoria, B.C. Canada BBQ SALMON WEST COAST STYLE(filet & skin salmon ) 1/2 cup salad oil, 2 tbsp. soya sauce, 1 tbsp. garlic powder; 1/4 tsp. pepper, 1/4 cup rye whiskey, 2 tbsp. brown sugar. Marinate for 2 hrs, if too thick marinate longer. Put salmon along with marinade in foil and put on BBQ until flakey, approximately 1/2 hr. depending on thickness of salmon filets. My friends say it tastes right from a gourmet restaurant. Marly

Simple but good. This was orginally for Catfish but will work with most any firm fleshed meat. take one bottle of Louisanna hot sauce, (the cheaper the better)1 tablespoon garlic powder, 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of Lawary's season salt. (I use 1/2 T. because 1 T. makes it too salty for me)Put in glass or stainless bowl, mix well. Add fieh or chicken, fill the rest of the way to cover meat. let marinate for at least 20 minutes, the longer it marinates, the more sauce it will absorb. If chicken, Bake 350 degrees for 20 minutes and turn it over and give it 20 more. Fish, roll in cornmeal and panfry. (It really isn't as hot as it sounds) Old Fisherman

BBQ LAMB LEG 2lb to 3lb Leg of Lamb - Bone out & butterfly (lie flat and put skewers through to keep flat) Take small sharp knife and cut slits into lamb - both sides. Insert thick sliced garlic cloves and small springs of Rosemary. Squeeze juice out of 2 to 3 Lemons & 1 to 2 Oranges. Ground fresh black peppercorns & ground rock salt to taste. Add 1/2cup Olive Oil and 1/2cup White or Red Wine. Cut up half lemon and orange skins into small dice and add to liquie. Put lamb in flat glass dish and pour marinade over. Cut remaining lemon and orange into quarters and place on top of lamb. Cover with plastic wrap and marinate overnight. Take out of refrigerator in the morning and let it come to room temperature. Heat Barbecue and place lamb. Cook for 1 hour, turning only once. Keep an eye to make sure it does not burn. If you like tender lamb cook under an hour for slight pink centre. Take of Barbecue and rest for 10 minutes slice and arrange on platter with fresh Rosemary Springs around the edge. Everyone helps themselves. Have with White or Red wine and tossed green salad and Roast Potatoes or Warm Potato Salad. Bon Apetite. Judith Vincent - Sydney Australia 5th December, 2000.

Yet another grilled shrimp but oh so good. Marinate peeled shrimp in tiger sauce. Cook bacon (enough for one slice per shrimp) - only cook the bacon 1/2 way (you don't want it crispy). Drain the bacon on paper towels. Wrap one shrimp, one jalepeno slice, and one slice of water chestnut around the bacon. Secure with toothpick (soak the pics first in water). Then grill them until the shrimp is done. I use a grill rack to avoid losing any through the slats. Delicious!

Yet another grilled shrimp but oh so good. Marinate peeled shrimp in tiger sauce. Cook bacon (enough for one slice per shrimp) - only cook the bacon 1/2 way (you don't want it crispy). Drain the bacon on paper towels. Wrap one shrimp, one jalepeno slice, and one slice of water chestnut around the bacon. Secure with toothpick (soak the pics first in water). Then grill them until the shrimp is done. I use a grill rack to avoid losing any through the slats. Delicious!

Awesome recipe for succulent grilled salmon. Season the salmon filet with garlic, lemon juice, fresh dill, salt and pepper. Wrap salmon with uncooked bacon and lemon slices. Place the salmon in tin foil and create a tent so the salmon can steam. Set on the grill (high heat)(or directly on the charcoals for those of you who still have the Smokey Joe BBQ's). Cover and cook for about 1 hour. Don't worry about the foil turning black. As long as foil is sealed, it shouldn't burn. When cooked the bacon juices, lemon and seasonings should absorb into the salmon. Gourmet dining at a fraction of the cost. Delicious. Bon Apetite!

I'm trying to find a recipe. I was in Jamaica at a place called Maraposa ( Italianon the beach ) and I ordered the grilled squid, it was the best thing I had ever tasted .I think the waitress said something about ginger being in the marinade.It's hard to say having 1/2 a buz on from the couple bottles of chardonnay. Anyway ,you must have to do it in a basket so the tenacles don't fall through the grill. If you've heard of some kind of seafood marinade with ginger in it could you E-Mail it to me.I have got to get this down . BDUVAL56@ROCHESTER.RR.COM THANKS Brian

Another shrimp idea. Wrap shrimp in bacon and marinate in italian dressing over night. Cook on grill for about 30 minutes on high heat and eat. finger liking. Soooooooooo Goood.

Great cedar seasoned salmon. Preheat two planks of cedar (a little larger than the salmon filet) and then place the fish (seasoned with dill) between the two planks and place the entire assembly on a HOT girll. Cook until fish is done. D. Wissing, Shreveport, LA

Great cedar seasoned salmon. Preheat two planks of cedar (a little larger than the salmon filet) and then place the fish (seasoned with dill) between the two planks and place the entire assembly on a HOT girll. Cook until fish is done. D. Wissing, Shreveport, LA

Ever tried a Peel and Eat Shrimp BBQ?? This is an old family favorite: Mix 1 cup salad oil, one cup soy sauce, 1Tbsp grated fresh ginger (no powder please!), 1Tbsp garlic powder, 1 tsp onion powder, 2tsp worchestershire sauce and 1/2 tsp of Tabasco. Use this to marinade 2 lbs of Shell-On medium shrimp. When ready to grill, put the shrimp in a hamberger basket. If you have wide spots that the shrimp could fall through, weave strips of aluminum foil through the mesh. Grill for 5-7 minutes or until the shrimp turn color. Serve in a big bowl with a fresh summer salad and PAPER TOWELS!

simple but good grilled fish. marinate bonless filets in olive oil and fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper. light off the coals while filets happily soak in the marinade... soak a handful of mesquite chips... make a pan from a double layer of aluminum marinated filets on pan and add marinade... throw soaked chips on coals... put fish in foil pan on grill and cover.( i use a weber smokey joe) cook covered for 10 minutes and eat hearty.

Barbecued fish. A simple, and fast recipe. Take a half to one pound fillet of Haddock,Cod or Hake (I suppose any fish will work.) On a topper spray with Pam add one T. of fresh lemon juice,a 1/2 cup of bread crumbs a pinch of fresh ground pepper and here`s the tricky part. Drizzle over the fillets about 2-3 TBS. of Kabayaki sauce usually found in oriental shopping markets. This sauce looks like soy but has a sweeter taste and not nearly the amount of salt. Used a lot in Sushi bars.Marinate for about 15 minutes and place on a medium hot grill for about 2-3 minutes per side ( watch closely, this type of fish cooks very quickly) Serve with your favorite salad or veggies and a cold beer or glass of wine ,excellent. Also can be cooked in the oven with a aluminum foil tent for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.The tent keeps the fish from drying out. I live on this recipe, It also works with sea scallops. Enjoy. Michael F. lee

Moe's Canadian Smoked Salmon I can't take full credit for this recipe... I was put on the right track by my satellite tv installer...?! Go figure. Very simple... For 2 lb slab of salmon (I like it with rainbow trout) rub with course salt (about a Tablespoon for each side) and about double that of brown sugar. Place in a glass or plastice container and cover with Canadian Rye Whiskey... Marinate over night turning 6 or so times. While you are heating your smoker, remove fish from marinade and allow to dry (pat with a paper towel if you are running late) and smoke to the desired level of smokiness. This works very well with all levels of smoke, but the way I like it best is with a medium-heavy smoke about 1/2 of the way to jerky. Recommend serving with cream cheese, red onions and capers on rye bread as an appetiser to the main meal... You won't believe how good this is! Moe.

poor mans lobster hailbut cut into qauter size bits add about a half cup to a cup of sugar to a pot of boiling water add hailbut to water for 3 to 5 min season as you would lobster with butter and garlic there it is poor mans lobster by jeff neubauer Email me and let me know how it goes

On Tue Sep 25 21:58:47 CDT 2001, someone using wrote:
  looking for a recipe to cook frog leggs on the grill.


The best and easiest to make salmon recipe.... Get yourself a bottle of Yoshida's Gourmet Sauce. Do NOT get terriyaki, as it won't be the same. You must get the GOURMET. I buy this at Costco and Sams Club, but it is available elsewhere. Get a large piece of salmon and cut it into pieces worthy of a meal...your choice on how big or small. You never want to marinate fish for longer than a few minutes as it gets mushy. You really don't want to freeze it either, cause that changes the texutre. Take the pieces of meal-sized salmon filets and merely DIP the salmon in a bowl of GOURMET sauce and make sure both sides are coated nicely. Meanwhile, heat your grill to very hot. Once it gets to that temperature, put the filet on the grill, lower the temperature to as low as you can get it, and put the cover DOWN. Watch the fish and turn it after about five minutes, brushing more sauce on it. You will NEVER get burned fish as long as the heat is on low. The warm oven cooks it thoroughly. Enjoy.

Use a cookie sheet - smear a little pesto sauce on the sheet and then place a meal sized slab of salmon filet on the sheet. The pesto keeps it from sticking. Cover the salmon with a thin layer of the pesto and sprinkle with crushed pistaschio nuts. Place in a gas grill with heat on high. Close the lid and in 15-20 minutes, depending on grill and meat thickness, the fish will be done to perfection.

SALMON STEAKS : For the yummiest, tastiest and most tender salmon ever, you'll need: 1 inch thick FRESH salmon steaks (frozen will do but not as tender...), salt, sugar, dill. First, cover salmon with salt. A lot of salt = about 1 tbs. OVER the salt, cover with sugar. A lot of sugar as well. About another tbs... Dab with fingers to absorb the juices of the fish. Turn salmon steak over and repeat on other side. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Rinse salmon steaks under cold running water for just a FEW seconds (5 seconds should do). Then, plank the salmon on BBQ = using a small plank of wood. Place salmon steaks directly on the plank and the plank, directly on the BBQ. Cook about 5 minutes on each sides. DO NOT OVERCOOK . Served with wild rice and baby carrots, tossed green salad and your favorite vino... De-li-cious!

Does anyone know a good recipe for grilling catfish? NOT broiling for 10 or so minutes on the grill (I have a few of those), but anything I could do on my smoker at 225 deg F for 2 or 3 hours? Thanks from Lake Martin, Alabama.

This is THE BEST salmon I have ever had!!!!!! Obtain a slab of salmon. I prefer the Costco salmon, skinless and about two pounds. Of course any salmon will work. Create your marinade with: one cup soy sauce, two tbs lime juice, tsp garlic powder and four heaping tbs of brown sugar. Cut the salmon into 4/5 pieces and marinade over nite. Place foil on grill and grill low and slow until you get a slight glaze on the fish. Do not over cook. Very good and simple.

This is THE BEST salmon I have ever had!!!!!! Obtain a slab of salmon. I prefer the Costco salmon, skinless and about two pounds. Of course any salmon will work. Create your marinade with: one cup soy sauce, two tbs lime juice, tsp garlic powder and four heaping tbs of brown sugar. Cut the salmon into 4/5 pieces and marinade over nite. Place foil on grill and grill low and slow until you get a slight glaze on the fish. Do not over cook. Very good and simple.

Korean Style teriyaki SALMON: 1cup soy sauce, 1 cup brown sugar, 1Tbs sesame oil, 1Tbs garlic crushed, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp sesame seeds, 1/2 cup chopped green onion. Mix ingredients and marinade for 4-6 hours. Grill low and slow and base with remaining sauce until glazed.
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