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From Our Grill to Yours
Our Thoughts
Winner of the Monthly Drawing - Old Smokey Grill
According to Smoky - "Chicken Roasted on the Grill" - Smoky Hale
Honoring the Tried and True
The Barbecue Store -
New Gas Grill Manufacturers
T.T.T.T. - "Skin is In"
The Recipe!: Rich 'n Wonderful Texas Steak Marinade
Affiliate Opportunities
Classified Ads
Keep Those Fires Hot!
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Hi {FirstName} & Welcome! Smoky, Ann and I want to welcome you to the newest issue of The Smoke 'N Fire Enquirer. Each month, we gather our thoughts in our effort to bring you tidbits of information to create better outdoor experiences!
If you are an old timer with us, you may have noticed that we're a little early this month. That's a great thing! Actually, during these active summer months we plan to bring you two issues for your enjoyment...all for the same great price. We want to help you become a better outdoor cook when you have time to practice and feel the newsletter is a great tool for you. So, without further chatter, we would like to offer the 1st issue of May! |
A great way to get a tune-up and get you into the spirit of outdoor fun would be to visit a local cookoff. There are many. For example, the Memphis-In-May World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest will be held this weekend, May 16-18, 2002 and Smoky and I will be there. Hope to see you there too! Look for us near the Pig Pounda Kappa booth. If you can't get to Memphis, be sure to visit a contest. Check out the Contest Calendar to find one near you.
Monthly Old Smokey Grill Contest
OK, here is your chance, to win a *** FREE 18 INCH *** Old Smokey grill from The Barbecue Store. This is a great grill to toss into the trunk or in the back of the truck
and take on picnics or to the ball game. Good Luck! So without
. . . . . . Paul, if you will send us your regular "snail mail" address and confirm your email address when you signed up, we'll ship your grill right out! Congrats again!
. . . . . For all of the others, don't give up. Each month we will draw FROM THE SAME LIST! NOTE: Our software removes duplicate entries so everyone has the same chances of winning!
According To Smoky
C. Clark "Smoky" Hale
Chickens were never warriors... maybe that is why they always thought the sky was falling. Or, perhaps, that was a meat cleaver they got a glimpse of....hummmmm?
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My favorite, naturally, is the easiest.
While I prefer fresh, rather than frozen, the poultry packers do a pretty good job of quick freezing and maintaining the quality of frozen birds. So when whole chicken fryers go on sale, I pick up a few for the freezer and one for the grill. Frozen birds should be thawed in the refrigerator or under cold water.
Pre-heat the grill to 350° with good, clean coals producing minimal smoke. For gas grills, use minimal or no wood for smoking.
![]() see a great Basting Sop & Glaze for Poultry |
What happens next is a real test of character. Of course, if you have company, you dare not. But if just you and your spouse are to dine, I challenge you not to sneak a taste of the crisp, delicious skin before it reaches the table. If you can, “You are a better man than I am, Gunga Din.” My wife and I usually congregate at the grill when the chicken comes off and the carcass winds up at the table devoid of skin --- but, still moist and delicious, nevertheless.
I usually carve out the meat, and the bones go into the simmering stock pot. After a couple of hours of simmering, I strain, pour up into a glass container and refrigerate the stock. Unless I have a use within a day, it goes into the freezer. Sometimes I separate the fat which has risen to the top and freeze in a separate container.
This is chicken at its finest--- moist, tender, delicious. The only way you can mess it up is to over cook it. There should still be juices, running clear and the pink in the thigh joints are naturally occurring pigmentation that signifies that the bird was young. Many folk ruin chicken by over cooking with the mistaken notion that any pink in poultry is unsafe. Not so! Left overs are great for chicken salad, chicken sandwiches, chicken pot pies and with the stock, chicken and dumplings. You may want try other seasonings, but fresh herbs under the skin and in the cavity are hard to beat. Another favorite variation is to stuff the cavity lightly with a small apple, a small onion and a stalk of celery, all coarsely chopped. Another, variation is “Smoky’s All Purpose Poultry Seasoning” which consists of 1 T. salt, 2 t. each garlic and onion powder, 1 t. each ground thyme, ground bay, ground or rubbed sage and fresh ground black pepper. This mixture can also be used in the chicken sitter with a beverage of your choice.
Good eating,
C. Clark "Smoky" Hale, © 2002
Honoring the Tried and True
Old Smokey Grills
Last month, we honored one of the all time favorite grills - The Portable Kitchen Cooker. Well, there is another great manufacturer that compares and has been around even longer! We are talking about The Old Smokey Grill.
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With the advent of plastics, Burkhead's bucket and can business faded away. The Old Smokey barbecue grill is made of metal, however, and survived the introduction of plastics as a manufacturing material. It is going strong as ever as a long time favorite of barbecuers nationwide. The company began calling itself "Old Smokey Products Company" to identify itself with its main product.
Old Smokey Products Company is in its original location in the shadows of downtown Houston, in the factory building built for Burkhead Mfg. Co. It has expanded its product lines, adding the Old Smokey Electric Smoker (formerly known as the Redi-Smok) just recently, the stainless steel Texas Grill, and a line of accessories.
They make three different sizes to meet most needs. They manufacture a 14", 18" and 22" diameter grills.
Thanks Old Smokey for making a lasting, quality product!
Got a favorite Old Smokey story? Send it to us and we'll get it over to them!
We hope to present more great cookers in the future.
These grills are available at many fine locations and @ The Barbecue Store.
For all intents and purposes, the summer cooking season is here. It is time to gather your thoughts, utensils and charcoal and get after it! Check through The Barbecue Store for some of the finest products anywhere.
Whether you live in TEXAS, moved from TEXAS are just wish you lived in TEXAS, this is your grill!
The Texas Smoker
Learn the in's and out's of grilling, barbecuing and much more with this correspondence course. Never botch a meal again!
Culinary Institute of Smoke Cooking
Got a party going on and want to have some old fashioned fun? This is just the ticket.
Coca-Cola Antique Cooler
Smoked brisket, pork butt, ribs, chicken, seafood and much more. Barbecue at its finest and easiest!
The Bradley Electric Smoker
The Old Smokey Electric Smoker is easy to use and very reliable. They have been making this unit for over 30 years!
Old Smokey Electric Smokers
This cooker is now on sale at the lowest price you will ever see ANYWHERE! Don't miss this opportunity to own one.
Portable Kitchen Cooker
Looking for the ultimate in a "Perfect World". Then the remote thermometer is the right answer for those endless days of barbecuing.
Temperature Detective Remote Thermometer
Gourmet sauce
Wood handle & sturdy cotton tassels
The Famous Willie's Chicken Sitters
The best competition rub out there
One heck of a Championship Cooking manual
The Great American Barbecue & Grilling Manual
AND, we have more neat stuff is on the way! Such as the Griddle-Q (The griddle that fits on your gas grill), Cookshack Electric Smokers, Danger Men Cooking products, the Tool Box Portable Grill, Chill 'n Grill (The ultimate tailgate experience), Gasket Cement (to plug the air leaks on your grill to control heat temperatures), Pizza Cooking Stones, EZ Cookers plus many many more great items!
Toll Free: 888/ 789-0650 Direct: 281/ 495-1112 |
You've read his articles for years, seen his column on our site and read hundreds of FAQ's that he has posted. Thousands of you have asked direct questions and he has taken the time to respond to each and every one of them. Give him a hand and nominate him for "America's Grilling Champ"! Click HERE to elect your champ! After you have nominated him, go ahead and nominate yourself! I thank you, Smoky thanks you and all grill lovers everywhere thank you for your support!
Try These Tips & Techniques!
Skin is In
Many wonder, why the chicken crossed the road. We often ponder ... why people skin their fine feathered friends before barbecuing or roasting them. Ok, the feather can go...BUT, why the skin? You don't remove the skin before roasting the Thanksgiving turkey, do you? We hear your resistance. It contains fat! you say.
Well sure, it does. You will recall in Smoky's article above, the skin when cooked properly, becomes crisp and quite delicious. That crispness is a result of most of the fat being rendered (or being cooked out). When the fat is rendered, it goes somewhere, right? Where it goes is on the outside of the rest of the meat thus naturally basting it, adding additional wonderful flavors and finally helping to retain the chicken's natural moisture. After basting, the fat drips harmlessly into the coals or drip pan.
Should you be cooking chicken where only a portion of the meat has skin on it, as with a thigh or breast, then cook it with the skin side on top. That way, the fat in the skin will render and baste the bottom that does not have skin on it.
There is very little increase in the total number of calories consumed by keeping the skin on while cooking and then removing it before eating. Therefore, relax and enjoy the flavors!
Skin is In...Have Fun!
The Recipe
Chicken On A Throne - Now That's Royalty!
There is little more stately than the head of state on the throne. Chicken prepared on a "sitter" (Also know as Beer Butt Chicken) is the only way to go for regal spender. Here is your admittance into court:
1 whole chicken
6 pack of beer
1/4 medium lemon - squeezed and dropped in the sitter
1/4 medium onion - chopped
2 cloves of crushed garlic
While the grill is heating, place the lemon, onion and garlic inside the chicken sitter. Fill the sitter 3/4th full with beer - about 6 to 8 ounces.
Gently slide the chicken over the opening of the sitter.
Next, place heavy duty foil (double thickness) over the cooking grate. Turn up the edges of the foil to keep juices from messing up the grill. It makes for easy clean-up also. Then place the sitter on top of the foil. This helps deflect the heat for more even cooking. Sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the beer or your favorite refreshment!
For additional flavor, presoak hickory or apple chips in apple juice. Drain and wrap in foil (or place in a cast iron smoker box) and set directly on the coals. Repeat as desired. You might also try coarsely chopping 1/4 onion and 3 cloves of garlic, coating them lightly with cooking oil and wrapping in foil. Place the pouch near the coals so that they too begin to cook adding additional great flavor to your royal dinner!
When finished, remove and allow to cool for 10 minutes before serving.
More great recipes @ http://www.barbecuen.com/
Affiliate Opportunities
Sell our products - Become an Affiliate today!
We offer an Affiliate Program @ The Barbecue Store. If you have a web site and want to earn extra money we will pay you ....
To learn more about this money-making opportunity, visit:
The Affiliate Page.
If you have any questions, give us a shout at affiliate@nottingham.com
Barbecue'n Products of note...
Selected products for outdoor cooking
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For more information, contact: info@nottingham.com |
THE BARBECUE STORE has everything for the backyard cook. Be sure to check out the thermometers and rubs!
Frequently Asked Questions
Some really great questions from our readers
Hey Jeff ... hide the matches.
My roommate likes to use gasoline in place of lighter fluid to light the charcoal. Is this a safe & will the gas leave any toxic residue in the grill??
Your room mate either has a death wish or is mentally challenged!
Gasoline fumes are heavier than air and they collect in pockets and ignite explosively. It only takes 5-7% fumes to air for a big explosion.
REALLY DUMB! If he tries it again, call the police and have him committed.
Mineral spirits (paint thinner) is safer and about as cheap.
Have fun,
Want to read more FAQ's? Check out
http://www.barbecuen.com/ and proceed to the "Ask Smoky!" Section
Reader's Quips & Comments
Steven Loren just found us . . .
HEY, Just wanted to let you know WOW, what a kickass stop on
the web, I'm from Texas and love to Q, Please keep it up!!
Hey Steve - Glad you had the time to stop by! We'll leave the light on for you!
Neil Hoff - Returns...
I beleive I've been to this site a couple of years ago and it was great! I'm back in a position to start "Queing" again so I plan on many visits as I always like to try something new. Thanks again. NEH
Welcome home Neil. We missed you!
Conda Walsh ...
Can your products be shipped to Australia? I am a recent transplant from Oregon and MISS REAL barbecue! What they call barbecue here is really bad sausages cooked on a flat plate! NO slow cooking over flavored wood chips!!!!!! How is a girl supposed to exist, I ask you??????
Conda, Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to teach them about real barbecue. Actually, we have many students from down under here learning every day.
Each of our readers can help us out by sending a copy of this newsletter to 5 good friends and tell them to sign up at: http://www.barbecuen.com/formmail.htm
Sign Up For The Newsletter THEY NEED IT!!!
Well, we've got to go back to work now, so enjoy the site and keep those comments (good and bad) coming on along!
Keep Those Fires Hot!
Well, we've done it again, come to the end. We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Smoke N' Fire Inquirer. Keep on SSSSsmokin'. . . . . Again, if you have any comments, please send them to ..............
Me at barbecue@nottingham.com or to . . . . .
Smoky at cchale@telapex.com.
Your Barbecue'n hosts,
The Smoke N' Fire Enquirer
All Rights Reserved copyright 2002
Charlie McMurrey (a/k/a/ "PC") & And Smoky
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The Smoke N' Fire Enquirer
by Barbecue'n On The Internet (c)
Your Gateway to Great Barbecue'n!
is a Copyright Publication by
Nottingham Internet Resources
14601 Bellaire, Suite 260
Houston, Texas, USA 77083
281/ 495-1112 Office
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