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  Judging Classes

So, you may be thinking about becoming a barbecue judge ... or perhaps you just want to know what it is that the judges are looking for (and tasting) when judging great barbecue. Who are the table captains? And what do they do? Who officiates the contests? Overcooked? Under cooked? Too Salty? Too flat tasting? Mushy? Tough? and many more.

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Featured BBQ'n

Jack Daniel's World Series of Barbecue 2008

Celebrating its 20th Anniversary

See all of the images here

Jack Daniel's BBQ Contest 2008The Jack Daniel's World Championship Barbecue Contest is the "creme de la crem" of all the barbecue contests.  For starters each domestic team team that earns the right to compete at "The Jack," [as it is most commonly referred] must have, in the past year, 1) won a state championship with 25 competing teams or 2) won a contest with 50 competing teams, or 3) must have won an event considered an automatic to the event like the American Royal, Memphis in May or Houston World Championship Bar-B-Que.

In 2008,over 25,000 people came to Lynchburg (population is always 361) to watch over 60 barbecue teams compete and to celebrate 20 years of The Jack. Additionally, there were some 18 international teams from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom competing.

Tid Bit:  Bet you didn't know Lynchburg is located in a dry county ... no drinking there!  Go figure!

Regardless, Lynchburg, TN is located in a sleepy little hollow where the distillery is located near the high quality, natural spring water which it uses to make Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whisky famous.

The Jack tests your mettle and cooking
Jack Daniel's Single Barrelabilities on the following eight (8) categories: 

  • Pork Ribs
  • Pork Shoulder
  • Beef Brisket
  • Chicken
  • Chef’s Choice
  • Home Cookin’ from the Homeland – International Teams
  • Sauce
  • Dessert

Some of the more illustrious [or notorious] individuals attending this years event were:

Tana Shupe Tana Shupe:  Tanna, recently retired from Jack Daniel's and was the Manager, Guest Services Events for Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchburg, TN. In addition to her many other responsibilities, she carried the responsibility for many years making sure this event went as planned and made sure the contest was successfully executed.  If it were not for her persistence and dedication, The Jack would not be what it is today.
Carolyn Wells Carolyn Wells: Carolyn is a co-founder The Kansas City Barbecue Society, which is the world’s largest organization of barbecue enthusiasts.  Talk about good, she has won over 150 awards in barbecue cooking contests.  It is the job of the KCBS to monitor the cooks, judges, table captains as well as tally the results and make sure the blind judging is completely fair and honest.  She is also a member of the KCBS “Hall of Flame”, and has earned her Ph.B. (doctor of Barbecue Philosophy).
Paul Kirk Paul Kirk: aka, the Baron of Barbecue, Paul is legendary around the barbecue circuit.  He is 8 time world champion and continues to compete when and where time allows.  He has several books out helping others to learn to barbecue better than the next guy.  You can see his Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue Book and Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue Sauce Book at The Barbecue Store.
Ardie Davis, aka Remus Powers, Ph.B. Ardie Davis:  And let's never forget Ardie Davis, aka Remus Powers.  Ardie makes most competitions and wears his distinctive outfit with the bowler's hat.  He is the founder of Greasehouse University and president of the Diddy-Wa-Diddy Board of Barbecue and awards qualified candidates with the Master of Barbecue and Doctor of Barbecue Philosophy (Ph.B.) degrees.  Who would have imagined barbecue could achieve such lofty heights!  He also wrote the KCBS official judges oath, part of which goes thus..."to objectively and subjectively evaluate each barbeque meat ... so that truth, justice, excellence in barbecue and the American way of life may be strengthened and preserved forever."
Smoky Hale And finally, there was our very own illustrious, notorious, and wonderful C. Clark "Smoky" Hale, from McComb Mississippi.  Smoky is known far and wide in the barbecue society, having been officially inducted into the original Barbecue Hall of Fame years ago.  He doles out classic old-time barbecue techniques and is quick to chastise anyone using aluminum foil to make what he calls pot roast.  And yes, when judging he can tell if someone has used foil, liquid smoke or any other strange ingredient in the preparation of their entries.  He is a very tough, but fair judge of meats.  He has also written a book called The Great American Barbecue & Grilling Manual.
Frank Boyer Frank Boyer: Then there is Frank Boyer who must be barbecue's official photographer.  I cannot recall attending a barbecue contest when Frank was not there with his camera taking some of the finest photos available.  He has complete access to the judges tables and judging areas.  If you are looking for a particular photograph, I'm quite certain he has taken it.
Cliff Welch Cliff Welch: Cliff a contest rep and master barbecuer judge was there officiating and facilitating the 18 international teams insuring they had everything they needed to be successful in their competition with the "locals".  Cliff knows how to have fun and get his business done. 
Ed Roith Ed Roith: Ed is a 20-year charter member of the Kansas City Barbecue Society (KCBS), a member of its Board of Directors and a former top competition cook.  Additionally, he is a certified barbecue judge as well as a judging instructor.  He commits a lot of his time and patience teaching the newbies to become great judges as well.  He has competed in almost every cook off in every state and is also the creator of the Happy Holla brand of barbecue rubs and steak rubs.  He as won more than 375 awards including 11 State Championships.

Jack Daniel's VolunteersWithout all of the efforts of the volunteers, The Jack would not be the premier event that it has become over the past 20 years.

On Friday evening after the pits are set up and there is a little "down time" before the serious cooking begins later that evening, the teams, judges and other officials are invited "up the hill".  Up the hill consists of a bus ride past the famous springs, the distillery and processing plants in full operation up to a beautiful lodge where everyone is treated to fabulous views of the sunset over the quaint valley below, ample Jack Daniel's, a great country and western band and a wonderfully catered meal along with some great appetizers.

Turn in for judgingThe judges are treated like royalty.  Upon arriving at their hotels, where Jack Daniel's picks up the tabs for the judges, they also receive a wonderful gift bag full of Jack Daniel's goodies.  They have full access to all areas of the contest and, more importantly, get to judge some of the finest barbecue in the world.  Who wouldn't be on cloud 9 tasting world series quality Pork Ribs, Pork Shoulder, Beef Brisket, Chicken, BBQ Sauces and Desserts?

When not roaming around the contestants sites, many wander a few blocks into town, past the many vendors serving great barbecue, kettle corn and old fashioned root beer to the throngs of visitors to enjoy the many craft displays around the square.  There is a parade through town and all sorts of VERY interesting people to look at!

And Finally, here are images of the 2008 Jack Daniel's World Championship Barbecue Contest held in Lynchburg, Tn:  Click Here!

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