Continued from Page 5
1. A compartment of or a whole railroad car to which gentlemen retire for an after dinner cigar.
2. A seedy night club where elder males of prurient interests congregate.
3. A structure or construction where in meat is placed to be cured by smoke.
4. One who smokes.
5. An appliance or structure for smoking meat as opposed to cooking it.
Smoking, v
1. Inhaling the smoke from smoldering tobacco leaves - the Native Americans' revenge on the invaders.
2. Cold Smoking -- Curing meat (hams, sausages bacon, fish) in the smoke of smoldering wood or corn cobs at temperatures below 100*F.
3. Hot Smoking -- Cooking turkeys and other fowl, which would spoil at lower temperatures, at 170-190*F, in an atmosphere of very mild smoke to impart a delicate flavor and a light bronze color.
4. A buzzy word of fuzzy meaning erroneously used as a synonym for barbecuing by newcomers who first tasted barbecue from a restaurant an learned all they know about outdoor cooking from Women's magazines.
Water Smoker
A water smoker is a sheet metal appliance which has: a bottom rack for fuel, wood or charcoal; at top rack for meat and an open pan in between for water or a mixture thereof.
Beside the price, the sole redeeming feature of the water smoker is that, as long as there is water in the pan, the temperature at the surface of the meat will not exceed the boiling point of water, therefore, only the most obdurate will dry out the meat.
Aside from its construction, the major detraction is that it encourages neophytes to oversmoke, thereby ruining what would otherwise be a tasty piece of meat.
With the insides removed and a garbage bag inserted, it makes a covered trash container that blends in rather well in a cooking setting.
The glossary is intended to give a rational base for building your skill and repertoire as a master of the grill. As we, together, find other definitions fit the need, we'll add them. If you have questions or comments don't be shy.
All forms of outdoor cooking should be fun. Barbecue, because of the long cooking period, presents wonderful opportunities for pleasures. It is an established fact that worrying yourself or the food will make it tough. Relax, enjoy.

Smoky's 5th basic position for really great barbecue'n.
'According to Smoky' is © by C. Clark Hale
who is solely responsible for its content. Comments
should be addresses to