

The cooler weather is here and the weather is spectacular for outdoor cooking! Now, is the time to maximize your grill and savor the flavor. |

Your Barbecue Super Store |
So, you may be thinking about becoming a barbecue judge ... or perhaps you just want to know what it is that the judges are looking for (and tasting) when judging great barbecue. Who are the table captains? And what do they do? Who officiates the contests? Overcooked? Under cooked? Too Salty? Too flat tasting? Mushy? Tough? and many more.
Check out the 2013 Judging Classes and find one near you! |
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Continued from page 2
Gas Grills utilize heat control valves for regulating the inside cooking temperature. The preferable method is to have one control per burner. The 'High' setting would be for burning old food and grease from the rack and rocks. Sounds a little like a dance. The 'Medium' setting would be for most types of cooking and the 'Low' would be for warming foods. Use the heat control valves to regulate the temperature as reflected by the thermometer.
Propane Gas or Natural Gas |
Ready to begin? Not just yet. We need some fuel. As mentioned before, the two primary types of Gas Grills are the portable bottled propane gas fed grill and the permanent natural gas fed grill. The choice is a matter of convenience and preference. If portability is not an issue, then consider the natural gas grill which is always ready to go, assuming you paid your recent gas bill. If you do not have access to natural gas (such as at a primitive location or in a remote area of your yard), then your choice would be the bottled propane grill.
Note of Caution: Do not attempt to convert a propane gas grill to a natural gas unit. It can be done, but you will need special parts which can be obtained from your grill manufacturer, usually for free. Contact them to find out more.

Most Gas Grills today are equipped with an ignition button(s) for ease and safety of lighting the fire. Our personal experience would reflect that, over a period of time, you will need to replace parts for the spark mechanism or be prepared to use good old matches. Make sure the manufacturer has the necessary replacement parts for the igniters.
Front Ignition Dial - This "dial" is located on the front of the unit for easy access.
Top Ignition Button - A low profile button that when pressed produces a spark.
Top Ignition Plunger - A long button which when pressed down produces a spark near the burners for ignition.
Side Ignition Button - This "dial" is located on the side out of the way.
Side Panel Ignition Toggle Button - This igniter is like a toggle switch which when pressed products the spark.
This window is a matter of personal preference. It allows for viewing inside the grill without the necessity of opening the hood. Keep in mind, however, inside the grill is usually smoky and grease has a tendency to splatter on all surfaces of the grill, including this window. Be prepared to clean it occasionally, or lose this feature due to not being able to see through it any longer. The alternative is to lift the lid, dodge the smoke and take care of the food as needed! Gas Grills quickly reheat to the desired temperatures.
Viewing Window - A "clean" viewing window.
We believe this is an item to pay extra for. The convenience of having a nearby surface to hold the food, sauce and utensils is immeasurable. Insure you get adequate shelf space to work on! You will be happy each and every time you have a cookout.
Some larger grills provide side burners as an additional cooking surface for items such as beans, chili, corn or anything else which might otherwise be cooked indoors. This feature allows most of the cooking to be done outdoors rather than heating up the house with the kitchen stove. Keep in mind, however, that use of a side burner may eliminate practical space for a shelf to hold your normal cooking utensils. Some side burners have lids so the side burner area may still act as a shelf when not in use.
Continued on page 4 |
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