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FAQ Subject: Pig roast-pit cooking techniques
Hi Smoky,
We are planning on roasting a pig in a pit and searched your website for "how to" information. In your luau answer it is recommended to place the meat in a cotton pillow case, a couple layers of wet burlap and then cover with two layers of heavy foil. In your LBJ answer you recommended two layers of foil, crimped and sealed then covered wtih a couple layers of wet burlap to protect it from punctures. Now we are not sure of what comes first, the burlap or the foil? If the burlap is on the outside of the foil, will it burn after it dries out? If the burlap is on the inside of the foil will it stick to the meat?
I feel terrible that I wasn't able to completely disabuse of the notion of burying a pig carcass in the ground and pot roasting it.
If you use both foil and burlap, put the burlap on the outside to help protect the foil from puncture.
I really recommend that you see some therapy. You can cut the hog up and put the parts in pots with a good lid and cook it on top of the ground with the same results and a LOT less work.
Have fun,