Great Chili
A Page Devoted to the Fine Art of Chili Cooking
Where did Chili (or Chili Meat) originate? There are probably as many different legends (translated into "facts" by many) as there are various types of chili. Some say it was born in San Antonio, Texas prior to the Civil War. Others swear it was a product of the Texas penal system to cover up the poor tasting meat being served to their guests. Probably true. Anyway . . . .the Mexican's adoration of chile dates back to at least the eighteenth century.
The term "Chili" actually refers to the pepper which is added
to the mix to create Chili Meat. While
we will try to keep our discussion to Chili Meat,
there will be an occasional reference to the pepper itself.
Aspects of Creating Great Chili
The first, most important and perhaps only aspect to the creation of really great chili is to allow sufficient time and energy in preparing the best name you can for your chili creation. Most of the chili we have experienced is really quite similar to the others, unless of course, you use something like turkey, buffalo, sausage, pork or other exotic meat.
Here are some examples to what I am referring:
The list is endless. True, there are many different types of recipes for great chili, but the names seem to be the more important of the ingredients supplied.
We will try to add more information here about preparing the chili soon.
How Much Heat Is Enough?
Believe it or not, chili peppers have their own heat index ranking. Different chili have various rankings (usually on a score of 1 to 10) according to the heat it generates when eaten. Many believe the hotter the chili, then the better. Perhaps in a since this may be true. But others, believe that the heat in fact, masks the true taste of the chili (see Texas Prisons above). You have to decide.
Types of Chili
To find out more about the many different types of Chili (including great photo's), visit The Chili Head's Home Page. Here you will find many, many different types of Chili which can be used in making chili meat.
Preparing The Chili
Now that we have covered some of the basics, we will try to have more information about actually preparing chili (meat) soon. . . . .
Here are a couple of links which I have found beneficial. The first one, well, we couldn't resist. We will first go to the Red & Green Chili Photograph - [well worth the wait!] and then, if you wish for more information, you may visit the hosting page at Wayne Preston Allen's Home Page. Really great stuff there.